Results for 'Jan Jorrit Hasselaar'

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    Ernst M. Conradie, Secular Discourse on Sin in the Anthropocene: What’s Wrong with the World? Environment and Society.Jan Jorrit Hasselaar - 2021 - Philosophia Reformata 86 (2):248-253.
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    Angst vor der Verrücktheit im Kontext von Nachträglichkeit und negativer therapeutischer Reaktion.Jan Abram - 2018 - Psyche 72 (4):308-338.
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    Logique et mathématique chez Bernard Bolzano.Jan Sebestik - 1992 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    Filozoficzna Szkoła Lwowsko-Warszawska.Jan Woleński (ed.) - 1985 - Warszawa: Pwn.
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    Far-Sighted Equilibria in 2 x 2, Non-Cooperative, Repeated Games.Jan Aaftink - 1989 - Theory and Decision 27 (3):175.
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    Without Sex: An Appraisal of Žižek’s Posthumanism.Jan Gresil Kahambing - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (2).
    In this paper, I assess Žižek ’s article “No Sex, Please, We’re Post-human!” as a provocative injunction to signal the posthuman ecstasy and deterrence. I seek to expose, rather than express, Žižek ’s posthumanist perspective as a paradoxical intertwining of different aspects of perspectivizing a post-human being from the view of the end of sexuality – the background that informs a posthuman future. Žižek ’s eluding the subject’s confrontation with the question of sexual difference to the apex of the genome (...)
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    Holding« und »Containing.Jan Abram - 2023 - Psyche 77 (9-10):768-796.
    Winnicotts Konzept des »Holding« bezieht sich auf das komplexe psychische Tun und Wirken der Mutter für ihr neugeborenes Kind, also darauf, dass sie sowohl als »Umwelt-Mutter« als auch als »Objekt-Mutter« fungieren muss. Während das Holding mit der Umwelt-Mutter assoziiert ist, möchte ich das »Containing« hier der Objekt-Mutter zuordnen. Es soll gezeigt werden, dass Winnicott diese Konzepte in Anlehnung an Freuds frühe Beobachtungen der für die emotionale Entwicklung des Kindes entscheidenden Rolle der Mutter erarbeitete. Obwohl die Rolle des Vaters ebenso wichtig (...)
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  8. Fenomenologia świadomości (S).Jan Trąbka - 1996 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 2.
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    Die Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie im Mittelalter.Jan Pinborg - 1985 - Aschendorff.
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  10. Falsificationist confirmation.Jan Sprenger - unknown
    Existing accounts of hypothetico-deductive confirmation are able to circumvent the classical objections, but the confirmation of conjunctions of hypotheses brings them into trouble. Therefore this paper develops a new, falsificationist account of qualitative confirmation by means of Ken Gemes ' theory of content parts. The new approach combines the hypothetico-deductive view with falsificationist and instance confirmation principles. It is considerably simpler than the previous suggestions and gives a better treatment of conjunctive hypotheses while solving the tacking problems equally well.
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    Theoretical Considerations on the Distribution of Incomes in a Feudal System.Jan Rutkowski - 2009 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 97 (1):185-223.
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  12. Libertarianism, Welfare Rights, and a Welfare State.Jan Wilbanks - 1988 - Reason Papers 13:8-18.
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    The Beginning Psychotherapist's Companion.Jan Willer - 2013 - Oxford University Press USA.
    With a reassuring and clear writing style, Willer offers practical suggestions and clinical examples to address the professional development and emotional concerns of the beginning psychotherapist. She guides readers through structuring the first session, making clinical observations, and establishing a therapeutic alliance. Through the use of culturally diverse clinical vignettes, Willer discusses the foundations of ethical practice, including informed consent, confidentiality, documentation, and setting boundaries. The reader is guided on how and when to refer clients for medication and other health (...)
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    Frege-Inspired Neo-Descriptivism and Its Problems.Jan G. Michel - 2015 - In Dieter Schott (ed.), Frege: Freund(e) und Feind(e). Berlin: Logos. pp. 161-175.
    In this paper, I mainly pursue the following two goals: on the one hand, I want to show how a central Fregean insight is tried to be captured within a two-dimensional strategy. On the other hand, I want to show that, in the light of Saul Kripke’s arguments against descriptivism, this strategy is faced with a fundamental problem. I proceed in four steps: in a first step, I bring together the passages that contain a central Fregean insight as a source (...)
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  15. Twardowski and the Distinction between Content and Object.Jan Wolenski - 1998 - Brentano Studien 8:15-35.
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  16. Naturalism and the Genesis of Logic.Jan Woleński - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 27 (40).
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  17. Time and Temporality in European Modernism (1900‑1950).Jan Baetens, Sascha Bru, Dirk de Geest, David Martens & Robin Vogelzang (eds.) - 2016
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    What Can Philosophy of Science Learn from Hermeneutics: and What Can Hermeneutics Learn from Philosophy of Science? With an Excursus on Botticelli.Jan Faye - 2014 - In D. Ginev (ed.), The Multidimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology. New York: Springer. pp. 267--281.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, I want to show how hermeneutics can help philosophy of science to focus not only on explanation but also on understanding of meaning as an important part of science. Second, I want to argue that philosophy of science can improve the hermeneutic vision of understanding: a great part of what we call interpretations is in fact explanations of a pre-established meaning. Hence interpretation in the sense of explanation is ‘objective’ as long as (...)
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    Antropodramatyka: krakowska szkoła antropologiczna.Jan Galarowicz - 2021 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo Petrus.
    Wprowadzenie -- Roman ingarden -- Antoni kępiński -- Karol wojtyła -- Władysław stróżewski -- Józef tischner.
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    Anthropological Arguments in the Ethical Debate about Human Enhancement.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (26):95–116.
    The paper discusses the role of anthropological arguments in contemporary ethics as exemplified in the current debate about biotechnological human enhancement interventions. Anthropological arguments refer to a normative conception of what it means to be a human being and are highly contested in contemporary moral philosophy. Most often they are promoted to constrain the ethically acceptable use of enhancement technologies. I argue that anthropological arguments can play a fundamental and important role in assessing the moral qualities of enhancement interventions, but (...)
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  21. Carnapian Arithmetic with Descriptions.Jan Heylen - 2009 - In Weber Erik, Libert Thierry, Vanpaemel Geert & Marage P. (eds.), Logic, Philosophy and History of Science in Belgium. Proceedings of the Young Researchers Days 2008. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten. pp. 28-34.
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    Bibliografia Henryka Józefa Marii Elzenberga.Jan Zubelewicz - 2012 - Warszawa: Heliodor. Edited by Ewa Jasińska-Zubelewicz.
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    Bolzano's logic.Jan Sebestik - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    De waarheid van de kunst: kunstfilosofische opstellen.Jan Aler - 1996 - Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers.
    Bundel filosofische essays over kunst en esthetica.
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    Deadly Thought: Hamlet and the Human Soul.Jan H. Blits - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    The human soul is for pre-modern philosophers the cause of both thinking and life. This double aspect of the soul, which makes man a rational animal, expresses itself above all in human action. Deadly Thought: 'Hamlet' and the Human Soul traces Hamlet's famous inability to act to his inability to hold together these twin aspects of the soul.
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  26. Deontic Logic and Normative Systems - 14th International Conference, {DEON} 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 3-6, 2018.Jan M. Broersen, Gabriella Pigozzi, Cleo Condoravdi & Shyam Nair (eds.) - 2018
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  27. Brentanian Motives in Kazimierz Twardowski and His Students.Jan Woleński - 2017 - In Jan Woleński, Friedrich Stadler & Anna Brożek (eds.), The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European Culture. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  28. Husserl and the development of semantics.Jan Wolenski - 1997 - Philosophia Scientiae 2 (4):151-158.
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  29. Access and the Shirker Problem.Jan Willem Wieland - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (3):289-300.
    The Access principle places an epistemic restriction on our obligations. This principle falls prey to the ‘Shirker Problem’, namely that shirkers could evade their obligations by evading certain epistemic circumstances. To block this problem, it has been suggested that shirkers have the obligation to learn their obligations. This solution yields a regress, yet it is controversial what the moral of the regress actually is. The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, I spell out this intricate dispute. Second, on the (...)
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    Die drei Schlüsse: Untersuchungen zur Stellung der "Phänomenologie" in Hegels System der Wissenschaft.Jan Beaufort - 1983 - Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
  31. Die Relationen der Identität und Gleichheit nach Johannes Duns Scotus.Jan Peter Beckmann - 1967 - Bonn,: H. Bouvier.
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  32. Philosophie im Mittelalter. Entwicklungslinien und Paradigmen.Jan P. Beckmann, Ludger Honnefelder, Gangolf Schrimpf & Georg Wieland - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (1):127-127.
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    Existe-t-il un canon définitif de la vie philosophique?Jan Patočka - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 10:186-189.
    L’inquiétude de la totalité de la vie, qui s’éveille chez certains esprits, les amène à créer des représentations canoniques, types de vie stylisée et unifiée. Les philosophes sont des créateurs de « canons » de vie philosophique ; mais on peut se demander s’il est possible de dresser un tableau idéal du philosophe qui pourrait lui servir en même temps de norme et de critère. Non, car la vie philosophique est un mouvement, un « acte imparfait » dont la fin (...)
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  34. Noch einmal: Pätus. Zur Vaterschaft in Lenz'Hofmeister.Jan Knopf - 1980 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 54 (3):517-519.
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    Kant a otázka subjektu.Jan Kuneš - 2008 - Praha: Nakl. Karolinum.
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    Was ist das für den Menschen Gute? Menschliche Natur und Güterlehre / What is Good for a Human Being? Human Nature and Values.Jan Szaif & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.) - 2004 - Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter.
    Die ethischen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart haben die Grenzen der gegenwärtig dominierenden Regel- und Prinzipienethik gezeigt, weshalb Ansätze zu einer Ethik der Tugenden und des guten Lebens international wieder an Bedeutung gewonnen haben. Dadurch erlebt auch die Frage eine Renaissance, welche Rolle der Reflexion auf die menschliche Natur für die Ethik zukommt. Der Band vereinigt unter diesen Themenstellungen philosophiehistorische Untersuchungen namhafter amerikanischer, britischer und deutscher Forscher zur antiken und mittelalterlichen Tugend- und Glücksethik mit Beiträgen zur zeitgenössischen Ethikdebatte.
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    Metaphor and non-metaphor: the semantics of adjective noun combinations.Jan M. G. Aarts - 1979 - Tübingen: Niemeyer. Edited by Joseph P. Calbert.
    The book series Linguistische Arbeiten (LA) publishes high-quality work in linguistics that addresses current issues in synchrony and diachrony, theoretically or empirically oriented.
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  38. Is Government a Mistake? Exploring the Anarchist Option.Jan Narveson - unknown
    Bastiat's great contribution to economics, in his own view, was his identification of service as the source of economic value. What is anything worth to anybody? In the cases where we are not dealing with what our fellow men do for us, the answer is to be found in its utility - how much the thing contributes to our satisfaction. In the case where we deal with our fellows, we are interested specifically in what they can do for us, that (...)
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    Aristoteles, jeho předchůdci a dědicové.Jan Patočka - 1964 - Praha,: Nakl. Československé akademie věd.
    Monografie interpretuje a hodnotí pouze jeden rys Aristotelova učení, filosofii přírody, zejména ontologický problém pohybu. Tento problém sleduje od předsokratovských myslitelů až do doby, kdy Hegel obnovil původní.
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  40. Tocqueville’owska wizja despotyzmu.Jan Zubelewicz - 1989 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 34.
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  41. Logic, Semantics and Realism.Jan Woleński - 2004 - In . Editions le Fennec. pp. 135-148.
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  42. Samozwrotność i odrzucanie.Jan Woleński - 1993 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    The paper consists of two parts. The first contains the paradox of Truth-teller, i.e. a sentence which asserts own truth. The paradox appears when we apply logic of rejection to the Truth-teller sentence. The Truth-teller paradox is symmetric with respect to the Liar paradox. The second part considers a sentence which asserts own provability. This sentence is unprovable on the base of rejection logic. This leads to counterparts of the Gödel incompleteness theorems and other metamathematical results.
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  43. How to Speak About History of Analytic Philosophy.Jan Woleński - 2017 - In Jan Woleński, Friedrich Stadler & Anna Brożek (eds.), The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European Culture. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  44. Relative strangers: caring for patients as the expression of nurses' moral/political voice.Jan Savage - 1999 - In Tamara Kohn & Rosemary McKechnie (eds.), Extending the boundaries of care: medical ethics and caring practices. New York, N.Y.: Berg. pp. 181--201.
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  45. Experimente am Rande der Stabilität. Über die Brüchigkeit des Stabilisierungsversuchs im Projekt der Moderne.Jan C. Schmidt - 2011 - In Gerhard Gamm & Jens Kertscher (eds.), Philosophie in Experimenten: Versuche explorativen Denkens. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 161--182.
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  46. Having views, abandoning views.Jan-Ulrich Sobisch - forthcoming - Http://Dgongs1. Com.
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  47. La peur de penser et la marchandisation du désir de penser.Jan Spurk - 2006 - In Eugène Enriquez, Claudine Haroche & Jan Spurk (eds.), Désir de penser, peur de penser. Lyon: Parangon-Vs. pp. 109.
  48. Brentano and the thinkable.Jan Srzednicki - 1998 - In Roberto Poli (ed.), The Brentano puzzle. Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate.
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    Norm and Discernment Study in Metaphysical Logic.Jan Srzednicki - unknown
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    Norm as the Basis of Form.Jan Srzednicki - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 62:129-136.
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